New chapter begins at Mcity: A progress report

Change defined Mcity in 2022.
In January, Mcity’s academic home at the University of Michigan moved to the College of Engineering from the Office of the Vice President for Research, and we welcomed a new director, Professor Henry Liu. Liu also leads the Center for Connected and Automated Transportation, a U-M-based regional transportation research center funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation. In addition, he is a professor of civil and environmental engineering.
Sadly, we closed 2022 mourning the unexpected death of Professor Huei Peng, who had remained engaged with Mcity even after he stepped down as director in December 2021 after six years. Peng was instrumental in establishing Mcity as a respected leader in future mobility research and testing.
What remained constant throughout 2022, as it has since Mcity was established as a public-private research partnership nearly a decade ago, was our dedication to collaborating with and serving our partners in industry, government and academia.
In this progress report, our first since before the COVID-19 pandemic, we report on our accomplishments, the challenges ahead and our vision for the future.
Read the 2021-2022 Mcity Progress Report to learn more.