Age-Related Differences in Driver Behavior Associated with AVs and the Transfer of Control Between Automated and Manual Control: A Simulator Evaluation

Status: Complete

Lead Researcher(s)

Anuj Pradhan
Former Assistant Research Scientist, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Lisa Molnar
Associate Research Scientist, Behavioral Sciences, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Project Team

Project Abstract

The study employed an independent measures design with three age-based groups of drivers: novice drivers ages 16 to 19, older drivers ages 65 to 75, and a comparison group of drivers ages 25 to 45. Participants were presented with simulated driving environments that contained manual and automated driving modes and multiple mode-transition scenarios. Each participant completed a structured interview immediately following the simulated drive to explore self-perceptions related to the drive. The overall objective of this exploratory research was to examine specific human-factors issues associated with transfer of control between automated and manual driving to characterize age-related differences in behaviors and reactions to this transition.

Project Outcome

While the project provides the seed data for large-scale research, the pilot data provided important new information and yielded opportunities for dissemination of new understandings of age-related differences in responses to automated vehicle (AV) transfer of control.

BUDGET YEAR: 2015-05-01