Interactive Human–Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics in Traffic: Modeling, Simulation, and Control

Status: Complete

Lead Researcher(s)

Anouck Girard
Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering

Ilya Kolmanovsky
Professor of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering

Shan Bao
Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Associate Research Scientist, Human Factors, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and Intermittent Lecturer in Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering

Project Abstract

The proposed research will validate and extend, based on naturalistic driving data, game-theoretic models for interactions between human-driven and autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic. The focus of our technical approach is two-pronged: (1) human-autonomous vehicle interactions in traffic with a research thrust toward validation and training, and (2) further modeling and control development.

Project Outcome

Develop and validate novel control strategies for safe and comfortable autonomous driving that incorporate game-theoretic models. Extensions of the simulator will include energy-management models and strategies, and functionality to facilitate autonomous vehicle verification and validation.

BUDGET YEAR: 2019-05-01