Standard Scenario Definition, Test-Case Generation, and Validation – Data Collection to Accelerate the Adoption of Simulation Software of HAVs

Status: Complete

Lead Researcher(s)

Greg McGuire
MCity Lab Director and Adjunct Lecturer in Center for Entrepreneurship, College of Engineering

Huei Peng
Roger L McCarthy Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Director of Mcity

Project Abstract

The two focus areas of this project are: (1) Develop a process for using the Mcity Test Facility and carefully collecting data to demonstrate that a highly automated vehicle (HAV) simulation software is an accurate and reliable digital twin to the Mcity Test Facility; and (2) Define standard scenarios and test-case script language so that standard cases, such as those specified by government agencies (e.g., the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) and standards-setting organizations (e.g., the Society of Automotive Engineers), can be clearly defined and communicated among different software providers and test facilities to avoid ambiguity in the scenarios being simulated or tested. These two goals are highly related and complementary, and the related work can be initiated in parallel.

Project Outcome

The collection of a scanned data set and HD map shared with Mcity members, and the number of simulation companies using the resources acquired and developed.

BUDGET YEAR: 2019-01-01