Quantifying Passenger Susceptibility to Motion Sickness to Guide the Design of AVs

Status: Complete

Lead Researcher(s)

Kathleen Sienko
Arthur F Thurnau Professor and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering

David LeBlanc
Associate Research Scientist, Engineering Systems, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Byoungkeon Park
Assistant Research Scientist, Biosciences, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Monica Jones
Assistant Research Scientist, Biosciences, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Jim Sayer
Research Scientist, Director, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

John Sullivan
Associate Research Scientist, Human Factors, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Project Team

Project Abstract

This proposal presented a work plan to develop an experimental design that will reliably produce motion sickness symptoms in a passenger vehicle. The approach evaluated differences in motion sickness susceptibility to different acceleration levels under a driver’s control. The methodology included simultaneous measurements of vehicle acceleration and the passenger’s psychophysical response during specified driving conditions at the Mcity Test Facility.

Project Outcome

We quantified the motion of the vehicle, passenger response, and the latency of onset and severity of motion sickness, and examined the relationships among these factors. The results from this project augmented the sparse literature on the susceptibility of motion sickness in realistic context that closely resembled the experience of traveling in an automated vehicle (AV). Development of a reliable experimental methodology enabled future countermeasures to be evaluated.

BUDGET YEAR: 2017-01-01