Conformance to Clarifications for Consistent Implementations (CCIs) to Ensure Interoperability of Connected Signalized Intersections in the Ann Arbor Connected Environment with a National Deployment

Status: Complete

Lead Researcher(s)

Jim Sayer
Research Scientist, Director, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

Debby Bezzina
Project Senior Manager

Project Team

Dillon Funkhouser

Buonarosa Mary Lynn
Project Intermediate Manager

Project Abstract

As more Connected Signalized Intersections are deployed nationwide, there is an increasing desire for these to communicate with the upcoming transit, emergency, and production vehicle deployments of on-board applications. Connected vehicles should be able to transverse the United States seamlessly. Their onboard applications should work anywhere they go. Specifically SPaT-based applications such as signal priority, signal pre-emption, and Red Light Violation Warning (RLVW) should function exactly the same, regardless of the deploying agency or region.
Now that the Ann Arbor Connected Environment has been stood up, the next step in the strategic roadmap is for the roadside units (RSUs) to be tested for conformance to clarifications for consistent implementations (CCI’s) to ensure interoperability of connected signalized intersections in the Ann Arbor Connected Environment. All deficiencies will be documented and shared with the stakeholders and the RSUs will be updated as necessary.

Project Outcome

This project will have the following outcomes:

  • The Ann Arbor environment will be the first connected vehicle deployment that is interoperable on a national scale.
  • All RSUs in the Ann Arbor Deployment will be upgraded for 100% compliance.

BUDGET YEAR: 2020-01-06